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Recurring Events

Click on the arrows to view other months.


Click an event to view the time and location.

Quarterly Meetings

We meet for one hour, four times a year. Meetings are held:




1050 E. 23rd Ave. in Eugene.

(note: the location shown in the specific calendar events needs to be updated.)

  • May, October, March — 2nd Thursday

  • January — 4th Thursday


See the calendar for specific meeting dates.


Doors open at 5:30 for an informal chance to socialize. The meeting is from 6-7 pm, sharp.  Guests are welcome, and may join on the spot, but only members may vote. Please bring your checkbook (or cash) to make your contribution as soon as we vote!

Nomination Deadlines

Nominations are accepted any time. To be eligible for drawing and voting, they must be submitted one month prior to the next meeting.

Obtain a nomination form from

Click here to learn how to make a nomination. 

Presentation Celebrations

Once a non-profit is selected, we work with the non-profit to schedule a mutually convenient time to present the checks. It often takes place at the recipient's location. This is a joyful opportunity to meet our recipients, learn even more about their work, and see first-hand where your contributions are going.

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