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Sky Full of Light

Current Nominations

MISSION: The sole purpose of Bags of Love is to provide necessities and comfort items to children who are in crisis due to abuse, neglect, poverty, homelessness or disaster. 

Bags of Love

Mission: The Kareng Fund is an Emergency Relief Fund set up to help low-income, self employed artisans and their families in Oregon if they are experiencing a serious crisis.


Pearl Buck Preschool & Family Support  

All children need a safe, nurturing and enriched learning environment to support their potential and prepare for school readiness.

The Pearl Buck Preschool program is a strengths-based, trauma-informed program, designed for families, mutually driven by parents with cognitive limitations.

Little Jellies

Our mission is to foster appreciation of nature nearby and provide tools for ecological living.

Based in the green heart of Eugene-Springfield – Alton Baker Park — Nearby Nature believes people of all ages, backgrounds, and communities thrive when they connect with nature nearby.

Nearby Nature

Our mission is to support local families in need.

Image 1-17-25 at 6.32 PM.jpg

The Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) of Lane County Mission:
Our volunteers provide emotional first aid to survivors of tragedy in order to ease their immediate suffering and facilitate their healing and long term recovery.


TIP of Lane Co.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Reading with your children every day during their preschool years makes an enormous difference towards their educational success as they grow. 


When you join Imagination Library, your child will receive a new book each month by mail from birth through age four. The books are high quality, free of charge, and a gift to keep.



Imagination Library

MECCA is a nonprofit that sells secondhand arts and crafts supplies. We are driven by our commitment to inspiring creativity, supporting education, and reducing waste.


Mission:  to assist women and families to rise out of poverty permanently and become self-sustaining.

Locally, we work with clients to stabilize them in housing and livable-wage work and provide emergency food aid, health and dental care, minor legal expenses, clothing, shoes and accessories for work, training and education, maintenance of phone and internet service, and transportation.


Women's Empowerment Project

Music Education and Performing Artists Association

We are a grassroots organization providing access to music education and the arts by removing barriers and identifying resources needed for inclusion, exploration, and success. 


Home Starter Kits

(Under construction - check back later. )

Bags of Love
Our Mission...


We provide immediate funds to 501.c.3 organizations that work to improve life in our local area.


Over $241,000

donated since June 2016!

Our Method...


We meet 1 hour, 4 times a year, learn about local nonprofits, vote for one & write checks on the spot.


With 100+ members, we can raise $14,000+ in just 1 hour!

Join Us...

All area women are invited to join as a team or individual. Each team or individual commits to giving $100/meeting.​


Please email for more information and to receive a membership form to complete and return via usps mail. 


Just curious? Be our guest at our next meeting!

Contact Us...​


tel 541-337-3884


1226 Brookside Drive

Eugene, OR 97405



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